
Alex Sorokin: Translator Qualifications

Over 25 years experience !
Accredited by Chamber of Commerce of Belarus !
Travel to more than 20 countries of the world !

Top quality at freelancer rates !

Native languages

Russian and Byelorussian..


Minsk State Institute of Foreign Languages, university-level diploma of English and French Interpreter and Translator in 1968 (after 5 years of studies).

Moscow State University, Ph.D in Economics in 1989.

Relevant Experience

1970 to 1976

Senior Specialist, Department of Foreign Economic Relations, State Planning Committee of Belarus. Responsible for collecting, translating and analyzing information relevant to contracts and agreements made by state enterprises of Belarus with foreign companies.

1981 to 1985

Head of Section, Research Institute of Economics, Minsk. Responsible for work of 6 people reviewing foreign publications on use of modern mathematical methods in ecomomic research, translating the relevant information.

1985 to 1990

Head of Foreign Information Department, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, Minsk. The department (30 translators) acted as an official state translations agency.

1970 to 1993

Extra-stuff translator and editor, Chamber of Commerce of Belarus.

1994 to present

Free-lance translator.

Work Abroad

Missions to more then 20 countries of the world including 5 years with the United Nations (United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO, Vienna, Austria).


Accredited as Technical Translator by Chamber of Commerce of Belarus in 1975.

Software Used

Word for Windows 6.0, 8.0 (97), Excel 97, FrameMaker 5.5.6, PageMaker 6.5, PowerPoint 97.
Wordfast CAT (computer-aided translation) tool - compatible with Trados and Deja vu.

Documents exchanged by email, fax, express mail.


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Please contact: express@transl.minsk.by

5/108 Lunacharskogo ave., 220071 Minsk, Belarus
Tel./fax: 375 (17) 232-3526

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